Descendants of Thomas Houseman
To the 4th generation.
Thomas Houseman, Farmer. Married to (x) (Houseman), with
- · John, born in 1830, Darley.
Married in 1863, Hampsthwaite Parish Church, to Ann Houseman, born in 1833, Felliscliffe, with
- · Thomas, born in 1864.
- · William, born in 1866, Darley.
- · Elizabeth Turpin, born in 1867, Darley, died - Normanton.
Married to James Dinsdale, born in 1865, Redmire, died in 1903, Normanton, buried
- Normanton Churchyard (age at death: 38 years old), Gardener, with
- · James, born in 1891, Hurworth, Durham, died in 1945, Normanton, buried - Normanton Churchyard (age at death: 54 years old), Coal Miner.
Married in 1915, Normanton Parish Church, to Florence Emily Jones, born in 1896, Normanton, died in 1970, Wakefield (age at death: 74 years old), with
- · James, born in 1915, Normanton, died in 1995, Leeds (age at death: 80 years old), Policeman.
Married to Nellie Plant, born in 1915.
- · Margaret Peg, born in 1919, Normanton, died in 1989, Harrogate, cremated in 1989, Harrogate (age at death: 70 years old).
Married in 1951 to Ernest C Crowther, born in 1919, Horbury, NCO - Royal Artillery / Hospital Administrator.
- · Jack, buried - Normanton Churchyard, Railwayman.
Married to Florrie Thornton.
- · Tommy, died - Normanton, Colliery Clerk.
Married to Florence Toddington, with
- · Dorothy, born in 1923, Normanton.
- · Kathleen, born - Normanton.
- · Alan, born in 1931, Normanton.
Married to x x.
- · Annie.
Married to x Robinson.
- · Ida.
Married to Joe Sykes.
- · Margaret.
Married to Jim Farrell.
- · Jane, born in 1873, Darley.
- · Margaret, born in 1876, Felliscliffe.
- Total: 17 persons (spouses not included).