
[Research Sources]
Crowthers Yorkshire Families

CROWTHERS YORKSHIRE FAMILIES is a constantly expanding family history resource for families which are mainly of Yorkshire origin and have some connection to our Crowther family.

Family history includes the following surnames: ALLOTT, ASHTON, AUTY, CROWTHER, DINSDALE, FAWELL, GREEN, HARDMAN, HESELTINE, HORNBY, HOUSEMAN, I’ANSON, JONES, LINGARD, PAINTER, ROBSHAW, SCRUTON, SHAW, SYKES, TROUT, TURPIN and WATERHOUSE. Some pages cover many generations over two or three centuries, while others cover just one or two generations - please contact us if you are able to provide any additional information.

(Place of birth shown in brackets - all except Richard Jones born in Yorkshire)







James c1700




John c1720


James 1770


William 1751


Betty 1797


James 1780
(Castle Bolton)


Henry 1824

John 1811

James 1827

John 1821
(Denbigh, Wales)

James 1854

George Rowland 1845

James 1865

Richard 1865

Edith 1888
m. Horace Crowther

Horace 1889

James 1893

Florence 1896
m. James Dinsdale

Ernest C Crowther 1919

Margaret Dinsdale 1919
m. Ernest C Crowther

Martin 1953 - Roger 1955 - Jonathan 1961
(all York)

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© Roger Crowther 2001

26/10/02 10:45

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